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This is the part no one ever talks about. I could sit here and tell you what every other crime scene clean up company will tell you on their website. I can can educate you on transference of bloodborne pathogens, and the importance of proper cleanup and disposal to prevent the spread of disease. I can tell you that, and I will later, but not right now. Right now you are in shock. The person you love has been taken away on a gurney by the mortuary staff. Law enforcement, the coroner, the mortuary, and maybe even the Chaplin have all comforted you to the best of their ability. They have told you what the next steps are as far as what you will need to do to prepare to make funeral arrangements, and what is going to happen to your loved one. You have been given recourses for grief, if not, we will provide that for you. You have been overloaded with all of this information that you probably won't remember in the next hour. This is okay. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you have, as many times as you need them answered.  Lets make baby steps. First, it's okay to cry. You are allowed to do that. You are not weak for having these emotions. Don't bottle them up, and don't apologize for it. It is okay for your family, friends, and children to see you cry. It is okay for them to see that you love, and feel, and are human. Now, call Nobility Trauma Clean-Up. You are going to speak with the owner, Tawny, directly. You will be asked a few short questions to start. You will be asked your name, phone number, your relationship to the deceased, the address, if there is power and water at the location, if the residence is owned or rented- additional questions will follow depending on the answer, if someone will be there to let the technician(s) in, and if not, how may the technician(s) gain access into the location. Many people are reluctant on calling upon our services in fear of cost. Please, I implore you, do not stress over this part. At this moment, money is not an issue. Your mental, as well as physical health and wellbeing is priority. Lets take care of what is in front of us, and deal with the next step as it comes. It is not our objective to overload you and make things any harder than they already are. It is our job to lift some of that weight off your shoulders. To put you at ease, Nobility Trauma Clean-Up helps to save every client as much money as possible. We understand what you are going through, and will work with your homeowner and auto insurance. We are also aware of additional recourses available to help with the cost, and offer Military and first responder discounts. We will always work with our clients as much as possible. No one should ever have to be faced with the phycological trauma of cleaning up a scene left behind from a loved one. From personal experience, that is something you never heal from.


Nobility's primary duties include the meticulous work or removing and cleaning biohazards from a given area. New diseases are being discovered all the time, and a person's blood can contain diseases that may not be discovered for years to come. 


Bloodborne pathogen can occur through the nose, eyes, or skin after contact with contaminants. It can also be transmitted when blood or other potentially infectious material (OPIM) comes into contact with mucous membranes, nonintact skin, or contaminated items or surfaces. Through needle sticks or sharps exposures and fecally contaminated drinking water.


Airborne pathogens are spread from person to person through liquid droplets (blood) suspended in the air, breathing air in the area exposed to urine, droppings, or saliva of infected rodents and by inhaling contaminated dust.


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